K-12 Lacrosse Club located in Tempe and Northwest Chandler, Arizona
Club boundaries are between I-10 and 101 and inside the 202. If you live or attend a school within this boundary, we welcome you to join our program! If you live outside of these boundaries, please contact us for assistance to help identify your home program. We want to help grow the game of lacrosse in Arizona! If you still have questions on where you live or go to school please follow the link to the league map and plot your address.
Questions? Feel free to email us: azteclaxclub@gmail.com or tempesollacrosse@gmail.com
We are committed to providing a network of support that includes team building, community service, and financial assistance, while fielding competitive lacrosse teams that honor the game by demonstrating the values of sportsmanship and fair play.
Our program has scholarships available. To apply please download the Scholarship request form and submit it to tempesollacrosse@gmail.com or azteclaxclub@gmail.com
Tempe Sol 14U
Tempe Sol 10U
Aztec JV and Varsity
Looking for a team hat to wear to games? follow this link and place an order.
Please support our program by registering for Fry's Community Rewards program. Click the image for more information.